Thursday, February 27, 2014

Social Darwinism – Evil Rules The World

For thousands of years the top positions in the human society have been occupied by evil and ruthless representatives of man kind willing to do anything for power, money and physical pleasure. Their religion is satanism and is based on social Darwinism. To understand social Darwinism one must first become familiar with the concept of evolution.

The idea behind evolution is very simple – those who adapt to the changes prosper and survive, and those who can't fight back are left to die because of their “weakness”. In order for an individual to adapt to new changes he must develop some sort of a physical trait or skill in order to survive. Those who can do it pass the test of natural selection. For example, if a lion is thrown in the ocean, it will die because the animal does not have the physical capabilities to live in water environment.

Social Darwinism represents a somewhat modern version of the human evolution but is not based precisely on visible physical changes. There are other decisive factors such as: country and family of birth, social status, education and more. Rich people in position of power are looked at as the stronger ones who have passed the test of evolution, while the rest is being labeled as working force or simply slaves.

If you don't have the right education and don't know the right people, you don't have much choice but to work low paying jobs and continuously be exploited for the greater good of a few evil men. Do you think that the Chinese population enjoys producing all the products in the modern world? Do you think they enjoy being treated worse than animals and tortured, so that a spoiled kid in USA or Western Europe can play on his iPhone for a few days before breaking it, because it's not the right color? Hell, no! But they are placed in a situation where all sources of information are being carefully monitored, and when that's done the reality of the individual can be made whatever you want it to be. That's how whole nations are forced to believe in the purity of evil totalitarian regimes which are nothing more than a different term for slavery. To illustrate this point more vividly for those who are into rap music, I will use the rapper Eminem.

There is a relatively popular conspiracy theory that the Eminem we see today is a fake clone and the real slim shady died about a decade ago. Whether this is true or not, I don't know, because I was never friends with Eminem – but it's a 100% possible. The music industry would want to keep him alive since he has already built a large amount of followers and there is more money to be made. Business as usual. Obviously, those who are close to Eminem should be able to tell the difference between him and a clone, but regular people like us can be pushed into believing whatever, and all of this is achieved by altering the source of information through the so-called forth estate – the media. And who owns the media? You tell me.

There are enough resources in the world to feed and dress everybody on this planet – including the animals. Every country, even if small, has enough to produce energy, food and other goods the human society depends on to survive. However, there are evil secret societies who prefer to hold the whole human world hostage, mainly through limiting access to the PROPER information and spreading fear of authorities and governments. Africa, for example, is an incredibly rich continent but instead of letting it develop and prosper, the currently rich countries are constantly robbing it and exploiting the people. The same holds true for all poor people from the entire world – they are being exploited beyond belief for the greater good of those on top of the human food chain. Most are so caught up in the game that will never realize what's actually going on.

Poor countries are enslaved through the fake monetary system and energy monopoly. For example, Russia controls the gas supply of pretty much every poor country in Europe. Everyday there are talks about gas diversification, but the truth is that it will never happen since pretty much every gas company in the region is owned by the Russian Gazprom anyway. Why would a powerful country like Russia ever give up its power? It will never happen, and the small states will continue to bend over for the big brother while selling their power plants and gas fields for pennies. But I guess that doesn't mean much to you, because you have a new iPhone to play on, and nobody cares about that “boring stuff“.

All of those problems are due to the satanic elite which has taken over the world a long time ago. Satanists are evil despite what they want you to believe. They present themselves as some sort of rational and logical peoplem, whose only goal is simply to move humanity forward, but what is happening is the complete opposite – they are holding us back by further encouraging illiteracy and social inequality. Satanists want humans to become merciless animals who only care about themselves and those around them, while completely neglecting everything else. While they have some success, their plan will never work and will fail miserably, sooner or later, just like all tyrant have fallen. Sadly, the pile of shit has gotten way too big and while we are alive nothing will change for the better. You can't fix such a big problem in just one human life. It took centuries to get here and will take even more to get out.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


We've been conditioned to accept as normal movies in which the main character, Chuck Norris for example, kills half the population of China with one finger. Films are meant to entertain, and the spectators just don't want to see smaller than life productions. Looking for realism in Hollywood films is like looking for money in the garbage container. On the other hand documentary films are supposed to be dedicated to education and facts. However, most of the popular documentaries presented by International TV channels have turned into a slightly more boring version of regular Hollywood movies.

A good example of fake documentary is Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls. Let's see what we have here: a man in the “wild” who often has to drink his own urine in order to survive through all kinds of cataclysms. He is being filmed by a mysterious camera man who is supposedly living well while recording videos of people drinking their own piss. N-i-c-e! What the public is not allowed to see is the fact that there is a whole camera crew behind every show, a doctor and probably even a therapist who takes care of this fake Robinson Crusoe. The whole thing is no different than a reality show which is no different than a regular movie. The success of Man vs. Wild have been tremendous and I wouldn't be surprised if the used underwear of Bear Grylls sells for a few mills at a private auction. He is already selling books, knives, tomahawks, screwdrivers, nuts, nails, condoms for the wild..etc. for fifty times their stock value. Tell me more about how you learn about real life from documentaries! Please.

Documentaries are subject to corruption just like regular Hollywood drama because it's expected that they will educate people about how the world works. It happens from time to time but there are also scrips and real actors hired to re-create the scenes. This is how you put people in the “mood” to accept what they as real. For example, documentaries talking about near death experience will usually show emergency rooms, ER doctors, surgeries and what not to make the presented material more realistic and entertaining. Mystic music and voice effects will be used to dig even deeper into the human brain and manipulate the visual senses of the individual. If you remove all of the sorcery all that's left are interviews with people who may or may not be completely insane. At the same time what is presented as fact could also be misleading since nobody has the time to check whether the person talking is actually the one he pretends to be.

Suspicious “facts”, quotes used out of the context, actors, sound & visual effects, hidden symbols and misleading messages could be much more dangerous than a science-fiction Hollywood movie which does not claim to be real anyway. The directors and the sponsors count on people's general laziness, lack of education and marvelous ability to absorb stupid things. The official cover-up story is that everything is supposed to be made more professional so that the spectator can really feel the world that's presented on the screen. The manipulation is so powerful that if the man with money wanted to invent a new kind of animal species, they could do it with enough propaganda and distortion of the facts. Who will check if it's real? As always the problem comes down to the naivete of the general population.

Below are a few clips exposing Men in the Wild:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


People are animals, aren't we? But we are the special ones. We think. We understand and recognize past, present and future. Animals don't. They only live in the moment. Most don't even remember what they've done a few minutes ago. It's like an eternity to them and all they recognize is how they feel now.

Animals don't judge us for who we pretend to be but for what we do. They don't care if you are gay, lesbian, poor, ugly, stupid because you being that does not affect them in any way. Well, if you stink they will probably start to criticize you on that one but I am pretty sure they will still be open about it – the truth or nothing. Animals don't lie cause they can't.

People rule over animals because we can build exceptional machinery to kill them. Probably to this day nature is still regretting blessing us with those opposable thumbs, big brain and articulate speech. Those were meant to help us create, not destroy, but like a knife it goes both ways.

Unlike animals we know that 2 + 2 equals 4. We understand what's happening around us much better. All other creatures rely solely on instincts and care very little for how the rest works. Animals can be manipulated through various ways into doing anything. How else would an elephant agree to be part of a circus and be pushed around by some monkey? But don't start to think too highly of yourself because people can be manipulated just like animals. That's the dream of every dictator – ruling over animals.

The low IQ sitcoms like to joke about North Korea but first it's not funny, and second the fact that you don't live under obvious totalitarian regime does not mean that you are not mind controlled. Tell me more about that invisible man in the sky? How is he doing? Have you seen him lately? Did you pay your taxes? Tell me baby girl cause I need to know.

The dream of every dictator is people to be animals. The less questions we ask, the better. The happier we are with being slaves, the better. The dumber we are, the better for our masters. We, just like animals, are being controlled through food. If you don't work, you will starve, says the world government. Therefor we are trained to work. If you dare to fight against the institutions, you are sent to prison. Therefor we are trained to obey. The paradox is that, unlike animals, we are able to understand the problems and yet we don't act and continue to feed the system which was carefully designed by the oppressors. We behave like animals even thought we see as humans.

Animals are doing the best they can with what they have. We are geniuses who refuse to use their gift or simply use it for the wrong purposes, like a scientist working on military weapons. Animals may seem mentally inferior to us but at least they are living to their true potential. They are who they are and we are what they told us we are.

Unlike the passionate activists I don't think animals are better than us. At least not all of them. When people start talking about how pure and innocent animals are they are usually referring to the cute puppies, the pussycats, the little lions on pictures...What about the crocodiles, the komodo dragon, the piranha, the scorpion, the cobra snake..? Those animals are cruel and have absolutely no sympathy towards anything. As hard at it is we have to forgive them. If an alligator eats your grandmother what are you going to do? Kill all of them? Sue it? The only thing I would personally do is: see a free therapist (me) and write in my diary.

You can't judge animals – they are not quite conscious of their actions. Unfortunately, the same stays true for many people. According to scientists psychopaths who kill and torture have a damaged part of the brain and do not feel emotions like compassion. They can't feel sorry for their victims the same way we don't feel sorry for hitting the wall. But what about the smart guys? The military leaders? Are they all psychopaths with missing brain parts? Sadly, yes.

The world management is very smart: it never does its own dirty business. There are people like us willing to do it with a smile on the face. Why would anybody with a well working brain fight senseless wars? Where are our missing parts? Hollywood, we want our brains back! War offers no profit for the ordinary man. None. All military action is a strategically elaborated plan to re-share the riches of the world and re-enslave the herd.

The difference between humans and animals is that we are able to understand and theoretically make a choice. Unfortunately, due to the tragic events occurring for the last few thousands of years we have been trapped in a cruel meat grinder, where sometimes we are the product, and other times we press the button. Nothing will change while we are alive because the stone has gotten so big that even the ones who built it can't stop it. It will continue to roll towards the city and the little insects can't stop it. All that's left to be done is damage control.

{originally written for}

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Death is the price we pay to be alive. It's a clause part of a lifetime contract we signed without even knowing. It's the greatest mystery in the world of law. God would make a good banker – he forces people to sign contracts before the suckers are even born. Oh! Wait! There's already such a thing – it's called inherited debt. Damn! I keep on underestimating those guys but they are smart and really know how to milk all the juice out.

I remember when Paul Walker died. I was on Facebook. Not sure about the weather but it was either good or bad. Never seen medium weather. It's one of the two – good or bad. My best friend was a huge Paul Walker fan. He has watched one movie, downloaded from, and was devastated by the death of this young 40 year old man. I tried to make him feel better by explaining that Paul was not the only stranger who died in a car crash that day. “You don't understand. He was my hero. He had cars and women!” replied my friend.

Why do we care so much about people we don't know? Because they represent a symbol of what's accepted to be happiness and good life. People were not terrified by Paul Walker's death as a man, they were terrified by the fact that even Hollywood can't change the fact that reality is absolute.

When you are about to die all clouds go away and you are able to see the light clearly, they say – I haven't been there yet to confirm. {Looking forward to it thought!} Many certified wise men claim that only those who have met death know how to live. It sounds wonderful and I am certain many bikini models will post it as a status on Facebook but the guys with the long beards tend to forget that death is a classic killer movie you are forced to watch without even a preview trailer. Death comes when it comes. He/She/It/ does not ask questions and talking is needless. What are you going to say? Confess your sins and get away with a lighter sentence? It's a little late, don't you think?

In the past people used to fear hell. But we are getting more analytical and our fears change as well. The current trend is to be an atheist and believe that hell does not exist and when you die you just die. Sweet! The idea that this is the only life we have and therefor killing all other animals for our own profit is justified helps rich people sleep at night. Survival of the fittest, they say. Sounds cool but the story changes when its their grandmother in the hospital...unless she is rich and they want that bitch dead asap. That Ferrari ain't gonna buy itself!

But who are we kidding with all that talk. You can't hide from the sky. It has a total monopoly over the world. It's not fair! I want to have an option to choose from! Another sky would be nice! What if I just don't like blue, white and yellow! Yes, from time to time there is a rainbow but it's all an illusion. We can't even pass under it! What's up with that O mighty God?

The best way to die has always been an interesting topic. Without a doubt most people agree that sudden death like a heart attack is the better way to go. Who likes decaying anyway? I am now beginning to understand why people in McDonald's are working so hard to fill their arteries - every portion gets them one step closer to the long waited anesthesia.

I don't have a definitive answer how I want to die. I would like to take a little more time and read my contract in the hope that there will be some sort of a loop hole that will make everything right and peaceful. I don't seem to find anything.

What about you?

{originally written for}

Monday, February 17, 2014

The College Scam: What They Don't Want You To Know

What is education? Different dictionaries and people will give different answers to this question but the truth is that eduction is business before everything else.

Education in elite colleges is very expensive and requires a lot of time and money which by definition is true for almost everything worth having in this 3D & material world. However, does the price match the value?

Unless you come from money you will have to take the so called student loan in order to be able to pay for your higher education. This is problematic mainly for the U.S. because this is the country where tuition is very high – thousands of dollars. This is a big problem for most students because having a huge loan to pay is not a joke. You can't hide and they are more that willing to take your money. In fact, it's a huge burden and many are starting to wake up and ask themselves – why don't we invest in something more profitable? Good question – think about it!

Because of the high tuition many people from poor countries usually are forced to choose colleges with low or no fees. The lack of fees seems nice, right? There is still a trap. When poor students from small countries decide to study abroad there are two big underwater stones nobody seems to see. The first one is that rich countries are taking away the working force and brains of the smaller ones. The students will also spend the money of their parents in foreign countries whose economies will benefit tremendously. Second, people from poor countries are usually paid less which means that the high class will make a killing by saving money from salaries and health plans. Of course, the more emigrants there are the more the middle class of the shelter country suffers because competition increases and its really hard to fight against cheap working force. The rich don't care. All they care about is getting even richer and more powerful while everybody from beneath suffers.

Another big problem with higher education is that in many places it's just bad. The books, the ideas, the teachers, everything is just outdated and the things you learn have no application in real life. To tell the truth the educational system does not care because more students equal more money. Fuck the kids, they think.

Unless your major is a classic: medicine, law, architecture...chances are you can learn faster and more efficiently at home and save a lot of money thanks to free online material. This does not mean, however, that online colleges are worth something. They aren't. It's an even bigger scam where you lose a lot of money just to have a piece of paper which later in life will most certainly have very little value. In this day and age the only thing that matters is what you can do and who you know. Skills and connections. Paper diplomas have no value. And that's the way it should be. No parent will tell his kid any of the above but I am not your mother.

This does not mean that there aren't good sides to higher education. One of the positives is that you meet people with similar interests and you build connections and a friend circle. It's really hard to find friends these days. It's always been. When you get out of the system it gets even harder but does this mean that you should pay so much money just to socialize and drink beer? I will leave that choice to you.

Image: Adrian van Leen for

Do you know those 1 dollar cell phones that also come with a contract? Education is very similar – they give you a cheap phone but it's the contract where the trap is hidden. Nobody will ever give you something for nothing. The goal of everybody out there is actually the opposite – to take something from you and give you nothing in return. Education and especially the higher one does not make an exception. It's been built so deep into our brains that one must have a diploma but like all else it's just part of THE MATRIX or the fake social world created through manipulation and mind control.

It's an evil illusion.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Optical Illusions: It's Not What It Looks Like

Here's a collection of optical illusions which illustrate that the eye can indeed be manipulated, it's just a matter of finding the right angle. Of course, the same idea can be looked at as a metaphor of all the manipulations we witness every day in all parts of the social life - from politics, to music and even to love.

BIG BROTHER only shows us the side that the Party wants us to see - just like in the fitness world: you see the muscle but you don't see the needles, the prostitution, the dealers, the illegal activities, the lawyers covering the tracks of supplement companies...etc.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Fuck YouTube & Fitness Channels – One More Time

I can't think of a better way to begin other than expressing my emotions: “Fuck YouTube and the fitness channels.” I am sick and tired of low quality videos, recorded by a bunch of STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS, flooding the online space. Fuck you all and your stupid information. I can read unlike all of your brainwashed fans.

The amount of fitness channels is getting out of proportions because for some reason every mentally challenged steroid addict feels the need to present his ideas on training which are nothing more than the same old crap – just recycled, about 100 times. People don't need 200 different guys to tell them that biceps curls build biceps. But what can you expect when the majority of the videos are watched by the spoiled North American population which is still deep into the MATRIX and spends most of the time rubbing its balls with cell phones and gossip magazines? You can't expect anything other than this.

The worst thing about YouTube is that quantity has taken over quality. Just look at the videos – most of them are recoded with a pen or a micro-wave and are 10 minutes long when the actual useful information contained in that garbage can be said in 1 minute, if that. However, writing a script seems to be too difficult when you are lacking brain cells and the other 9 minutes are filled with “you know”, “hmmm”, “uhhhhhhh” and other interesting sounds and forms of inarticulate speech.

How hard it is to take 30 minutes and write a script and actually say your rubbish at least a little bit faster?

The HodgeTwins, TigerFitness, Matt Ogus, Jeff Seid and all the rest of the gay train do NOT give a fuck about their followers. All they care about is making money. They don't care whether you are informed or not nor do they care about your success. They care only about themselves and protecting their bank accounts. That's why they will always feed you with that POLITICALLY CORRECT information which is nothing more than the same old rubbish garbage material repeated a billion times. When I got into this I knew that the fitness crowd is not known for its intellectual properties but I never expected it will be this bad.

Wasting your time watching steroid addicts eat lunch?


Wake up!

Amazing Quotes By Charles Bukowski

Henry Charles Bukowski (born Heinrich Karl Bukowski; August 16, 1920 – March 9, 1994) was a German-born American poet, novelist and short story writer. His writing was influenced by the social, cultural, and economic ambience of his home city of Los Angeles. His work addresses the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women, and the drudgery of work. {more}
“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.”
“Do you hate people?
I don't hate them...I just feel better when they're not around.”
“For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

“Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way.”
“We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”
“You have to die a few times before you can really live.”
“That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”
“An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.”
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
“Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.”
“I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of.”
“Being alone never felt right. sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.”
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”
“A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.”
“Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.”
“Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink.”
“Of course it's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well.”
“People with no morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or love.”
“The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable.”
“We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waiting”
“You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.”
“I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed but all I could do was to get drunk again.”
“Love is all right for those who can handle the psychic overload. It's like trying to carry a full garbage can on your back over a rushing river of piss.”
“I never met another man I'd rather be. And even if that's a delusion, it's a lucky one.”
“You son of a bitch, she said, I am trying to build a meaningful relationship. You can't build it with a hammer, he said.”
“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.”
“The trouble with a mask is it never changes.”
“I carry death in my left pocket. Sometimes I take it out and talk to it: "Hello, baby, how you doing? When you coming for me? I'll be ready.”
“In the morning it was morning and I was still alive.”
“If you get married they think you're finished and if you are without a woman they think you're incomplete.”
“The fuckers. There, I feel better. God-damned human race. There, I feel better.”
“Any asshole can chase a skirt, art takes discipline.”
“It wasn’t my day. My week. My month. My year. My life. God damn it.”
“It's better to do a dull thing with style than a dangerous thing without it.”
“The more crap you believe, the better off you are.”
“He asked, "What makes a man a writer?" "Well," I said, "it's simple. You either get it down on paper, or jump off a bridge.”
“Nobody can save you but yourself and you’re worth saving. it’s a war not easily won but if anything is worth winning then this is it.”
“If you are going to try, go all the way or don't even start. If you follow it you will be alive with the gods. It is the only good fight there is.”
“I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, Jesus Christ, now what?”
“There are only two things wrong with money: too much or too little.”
“Some people like what you do, some people hate what you do, but most people simply don’t give a damn.”
“Oh, I don’t mean you’re handsome, not the way people think of handsome. Your face seems kind. But your eyes - they’re beautiful. They’re wild, crazy, like some animal peering out of a forest on fire.”
“Those faces you see every day on the streets were not created entirely without hope: be kind to them: like you they have not escaped.”
“Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show you a man with detestable spiritual qualities.”
“People who believe in politics are like people who believe in God: they are sucking wind through bent straws.”
“You have my soul and I have your money.”
“It began as a mistake.”
“I can never drive my car over a bridge without thinking of suicide. I can never look at a lake or an ocean without thinking of suicide.”
“There is a place in the heart that will never be filled; a space. And even during the best moments, and the greatest times, we will know it.”
“Each person is only given so many evenings and each wasted evening is a gross violation against the natural course of your only life.”
“I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.”
“Animals never worry about Heaven or Hell. neither do I. maybe that's why we get along”
“Bad taste makes more millionaires than good taste.”
“Sex is interesting, but it's not totally important. I mean it's not even as important (physically) as excretion. A man can go seventy years without a piece of ass, but he can die in a week without a bowel movement.”
“In the old days, before I was married, or knew a lot of women, I would just pull down all the shades and go to bed for three or four days. I'd get up to shit. I'd eat a can of beans, go back to bed, just stay there for three or four days. Then I'd put on my clothes and I'd walk outside, and the sunlight was brilliant, and the sounds were great. I felt powerful, like a recharged battery. But you know the first bring-down? The first human face I saw on the sidewalk, I lost half my charge right there.”
“The less I needed, the better I felt.“
“Most people are not ready for death, theirs or anybody elses.”
“I’ve had so many knives stuck into me, when they hand me a flower I can’t quite make out what it is. It takes time.”
“Some men never die and some men never live but we're all alive tonight.”
“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill. It was good to be old, no matter what they said. It was reasonable that a man had to be at least 50 years old before he could write with anything like clarity.”

Are You The Owner Of Your Own Body?

The young population is now suffering from a narcissistic epidemic caused by the modern conquest to look like a Greek god or goddess. The idea is pushed everywhere you go and of course social media such as Facebook and Twitter are spreading it even further with all kinds of photos of naked men and women, which are also accompanied by text – usually a hackneyed quote.

Whenever something becomes popular always try to find where the money comes from in order to understand what's the true driving force behind. In this case the finances come from nutritional supplements. It's the companies producers who want the epidemic to continue because increase of infected patients equals more sales of the supposed cure – supplements, magazines, seminars, clothes, gym memberships, equipment and other muscle related merchandise. The brainwashing and obsession have gone beyond boundaries and more and more people are getting into the game which is as always a double sided endeavor.

Michael Jastremski for

Cats don't have owners - only servants. Be a cat.
There is certainly no wrong with trying to improve your physical health through exercising but, as always, there is a large amount of disinformation spread like a really bad, yet popular, CD thanks to multimillion marketing strategies. As the number of people who want to know the secret to muscles raises the confusion deliberately increases. There are thousands of sites on the Internet dealing with this very same phenomenon and the number will continue to move upwards, because the demand is large and a cure is needed real bad.

This apparition has drilled an insanely large hole in the heads of the youth. They are reading endless amounts of research, posting on Internet forums, buying magazines, reading books, watching YouTube videos and basically living their lives under a six-pack dictatorship. I would not be surprised if a poll shows that 80% or so would be happy to trade a part of their brain for an inch of muscle on their arms.

All of this information has lead me to the following conclusion – people have forgotten who owns their bodies. We are always expecting someone else to tell us what to do and how to do it, the same why a child expects his parents to teach him. In case you don't know your body is more yours than it is anybody else's. You don't need to follow dogmas and there is nobody out there who has the truth – just a bunch of guys who pretends they do.

Truth is both – absolute but also personal. It's about your way of finding piece with nature and all books and methodologies are merely guidelines and the experience of other people who are quite often speculating with their position of authority – there is a lot of venom all over the place and that venom is ultimately helping only the big corporations and their salesmen. The more confused an individual is the more brainwashed and receptive to manipulation he becomes. More manipulation, more money.

Don't be confused no more – you are the owner of your OWN body and you should ask it first what to do instead of counting on other people to show you the right path. They won't, because their goal is for you to join their church, to subscribe to their YouTube channel and to follow the bogus information they are telling you. If you allow them to do that you are essentially giving them control over your body and they dictate what you do with it.

Use the information you read just as a guideline, not a religion.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Balloon Highline: Tightrope Walking Between Ballons

Frenchman Sébastien Montaz-Rosset and other acrobots from SKYLINERS decided to do something crazy -  moving from one ballon to another by walking on a rope. Of course the equilibrists were still equipped with parachutes.

"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart."

 - John Heywood

Nothing is impossible in this world. Firm determination, it is said, can move heaven and earth. Things appear far beyond one's power, because one cannot set his heart on any arduous project due to want of strong will.

- Yamamoto Tsunetomo

image via YouTube

 "Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others."

Jonathan Winters

Quotes Of The Day: Omar Khayyám

Omar Khayyám (18 May 1048 – 4 December 1131) was a Persian polymath, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet. He also wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, mineralogy, music, and Islamic theology.

Born in Nishapur in North Eastern Iran, at a young age he moved to Samarkand and obtained his education there. Afterwards he moved to Bukhara and became established as one of the major mathematicians and astronomers of the medieval period. He is the author of one of the most important treatises on algebra written before modern times, the Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra, which includes a geometric method for solving cubic equations by intersecting a hyperbola with a circle. He contributed to a calendar reform. {more}

image via Wiki

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."


"The thoughtful soul to solitude retires."


"Dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows, why fret about it, if today be sweet."


"As far as you can avoid it, do not give grief to anyone. Never inflict your rage on another. If you hope for eternal rest, feel the pain yourself; but don’t hurt others."


"It’s too bad if a heart lacks fire,
and is deprived of the light 
of a heart ablaze.
The day on which you are
without passionate love
is the most wasted day of your life."


"When I want to understand what is happening today or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look back."


"The rose that once has bloomed forever dies.""


"Poor soul, you will never know anything
of real importance. You will not uncover
even one of life's secrets. Although all religions
promise paradise, take care to create your own
paradise here and now on earth."


"I have not asked for life.
But I try to accept whatever
life brings without surprise.
And I shall depart again without having
questioned anyone about my strange
stay here on earth."


"I hide my grief, just like the blessed birds hide themselves when they are preparing to die, my love."


The Cold Truth About Business: Somebody Has To Pay The Price & Do The Dirty Work

Question to a Mall bitch: 'What's the job of your husband?'

Answer by the Mall bitch: 'He is a man of business.'

Businessmen are busy men. We get that. But why are they so busy? What are they looking for? The answer is simple: they are searching for different ways to take your money and then go on TV to enjoy the glory, all while presenting another value deprived book that ultimately has one goal – to take even more money from you by giving a fake explanation to how the first theft has occurred.

All business, from Microsoft to the local print center, is based on a basic idea – buying more for less and then selling it for even more. If that single rule of thumb is disrespected there is no business and the result is slow bankruptcy. Searching for opportunities to do the above is what keeps businessmen busy at night, besides the hookers.

In ancient times trade was not as respected as you may think mainly due to the slavery and exploitation. It's not a surprise that people had no respect for individuals who buy something for a few pennies and later on sell it for ten times more, even though they've done nothing more than transport it. Today, people who do the same are still not respected but those who do it very well – big corporations – are considered “world leaders”, or so they want us to think.

While big corporations have the money and the resources they still cannot break natural laws which are principles in the universe affecting all human beings regardless of who they are. One of those natural laws is that in nature you cannot have something for nothing. It's impossible and somebody has to pay the price and do the work. That's where slavery and exploitation come into place.

The CEO of your favorite company has billions of dollars. That's great, you probably consider him your hero, you want to be like him – you want to be great and conquer the world. What if I tell you that it's all a pipe dream? For one person to have billions of dollars there must be billions of people who have nothing and work for nothing. Steve Jobs had billions when he was alive. Everybody was looking up to him and even the girls were having boners every time the master salesman was speaking. He was always talking about how great he was and how Apple has changed the world but what he did not want you to know is that every single dollar in his bank account was a dollar taken from a poor man living in a country you've never even heard of. The same is true for every single businessman you consider a “success” or a failure.

Most people buy stuff not because they need it but because they've been convinced that they need it in order to be complete. We are judged not by the things we do or create but by our possessions. That mentality is the pushing force building the pyramid. The first step of every businessman is to sell his product to the upper classes. That stage is particularly important because all lower social layers have been brainwashed that the rich have the key and are considered the epitome of success, happiness and meaningful life. The poor want to be rich and what better way to become rich than to buy things used by the bourgeoisie? If you look like them, you are like them. Just a few years ago a Chinese kid sold one of his kidneys for an iPad by Apple because the gadget was considered a symbol of aristocracy. The operation was obviously done by Satan's surgeons but it was this society that signed the order.

The way to reverse this process is to reduce the value we attribute to personal wealth and possessions and move out of the buyer mentality. Of course, this does not mean that we should all live under the Bodhi tree but more emphasis should be put on appreciating the things that we have and using them to their full potential instead of mindlessly spinning the wheel, hoping that a new cell phone that can X ray dicks and tits will somehow make life complete and meaningful.

So, the next time a Mall bitch tells you that her husband is a businessman and you wonder what this means, just translate it as it is: a slave owner.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quotes About Love: Happy Love Day Motherfuckers

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

― Dr. Seuss


"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."

― Elbert Hubbard


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

― Martin Luther King Jr.


"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."

― André Gide

"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” 

― Bob Marley


Image credit: Miroslav Vajdić for

"It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages."

― Friedrich Nietzsche


"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

― Robert A. Heinlei


"If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything."

― Marilyn Monroe


"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.

― Anaïs Nin


"The heart was made to be broken."

― Oscar Wilde


"Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary."

― Oscar Wilde


"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell."

― Joan Crawford


"And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make."

― Paul McCartney


"The very essence of romance is uncertainty."

― Oscar Wilde


"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up."

― James Baldwin


"Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it."

― Candace Bushnell


"Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love."

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky


"If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fcking phone call."

― Greg Behrendt


"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."

― Robert Frost


"I love you like a fat kid loves cake!"

― Scott Adams


"I do not trust people who don't love themselves and yet tell me, 'I love you.' There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt."

― Maya Angelou


"The more one judges, the less one loves."

― Honoré de Balzac


"If you love and get hurt, love more.If you love more and hurt more, love even more.If you love even more and get hurt even more, love some more until it hurts no more..."

― William Shakespeare