Sunday, May 5, 2013

Layne Norton And Steroids - Life Built On Lies

Recently I received a message which was quite similar to a death threat because I said Layne Norton was not a natural bodybuilder. Of course, it was all a joke but it gave me a good topic to write about today - Layne Norton - the natural liar.

Layne Norton is not natural since he is exactly 26 pounds over his natural bodyweight at contest shape. Yes, exactly - Layne Norton would be 170 pounds at most if he was natural. Since he is not natural and is using anabolic steroids Layne Norton gets to be 196 lbs at 5'10 on stage and 230lbs 10% BF during the off-season. Unheard numbers for a natural. To give you a simple point of reference Serge Nubret was 200 at 6' and the was far from natural. Only an ignorant person would fall for the scientific storm shit produced by Layne Norton regarding his natural status and way of training. 

One of the reasons why Layne Norton claims he is natural is the need to make money out of it - by selling pipe dreams and pushing products to ignorant people. Layne Norton is not only not natural but his genetics are even below average when it comes to building muscles - one of the reasons he is so bitter. His body structure is awful and been even on juice cannot hide the fact. Another reason why he claims natural status.

196lbs 4% BF 5'10

Layne Norton - Natural Liar

AAS User 

Frank Zane, well known bodybuilder and abuser of steroids, competed at 185 lbs/5'9/4-5% BF and looks much better due to having better structure and response to drugs

185 lbs, 5'9