Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's Time To Open Your Eyes | Remember this ?

If you think that the models advertising supplements on sites like T-Nation and are not on steroids it's time to open your eyes.

If you believe the programs promising 1 inch on you arms in 30 days or less it's time to open your eyes. 

They don't work.

If you believe that the big guys in your gym got to 18-20+ inches arms naturally it's time to open your eyes.

If you believe that squats make your arms grow it's time to open your eyes.

If you believe that bulking up is the best way to add mass and fat comes off easily it's time to open your eyes.

If you believe that squats and deadlifts increase testosterone significantly it's time to open your eyes.

If you think somebody knows the best way for you to train it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that even 20% of the stuff you read in a magazine is true it's time to open your eyes. 

If you think that pull-ups are more functional than chin-ups and vice versa it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that kettlebells are better than dumbbells it's time to open your eyes.

If you think you can force feed yourself into muscle growth it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that you can't get fat from eating too much meat and vegetables it's time to open your eyes.

If you are constantly looking for “the secret information” using Google it's time to open your eyes and realize there is no such thing.
If you think protein powders are more effective than eggs it's time to open your eyes.

Your eyes should be 50% open now ! Read on !

If you believe Mark Rippetoe is the source of all information it's time to open your eyes. 

If you think Pavel Tsatsouline knows more about bodybuilding than marketing it's time to open your eyes. 

If you think Ross from is “too busy” to check his e-mail it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that squats and milk work better than steroids it's to open your eyes. 

If you think that you need to ask every stupid question on a forum instead of using your brain it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that bad genetics are overcomed by hard work it's time to open your eyes. You can only be the best you can be. Not more. Less is always an option.

If you think that Dorian Yates set the new standards thanks to H.IT. it's time tome open your eyes. Keywords: growth hormone, insulin, abuse.

If you think that people not doing squats, deadlifts and benches don't deserve to live it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that there are shaping exercises it's time to open your eyes. 

If you believe yourself when you say: “I don't train for hypertrophy. That's for pussies.” it's time to open your eyes - You are a pussy.

If you think that doing leg extensions will cause a sex change it's time to open your eyes. 

If you believe stupid stuff like the sixpack shortcut program by Mike Chang it's time to open your eyes.

If you think GOMAD works it's time to learn the difference between fat tissue and muscle tissue. It's big.

If you think that anyone cares how big your biceps are when your back is flat as a road kill it's time to open your eyes.

If you believe the bullshit of Christian Thibadeau and the Anaconda protocol it's time to open your eyes - this guy has at least a few cycles behind his back.

If you like looking at the pictures on T-Nation open your eyes and see the reality: steroid loaded professionals recommending the latest crap supplement. 

If you throw the yolk out of the egg it's time to open your eyes - you are throwing amino acids.

If you believe the guy that sells you his Get Big Quick stuff it's time to open your eyes - he is a fraud.

If you like low-bar squats just because of Rippetoe it's time to open your eyes.

If you think that when you bench 315 you will have a big chest it's time to open your eyes - you will have a big chest when you have a big chest. Not a minute sooner or later. 

If you think that you should be a certain weight at a certain height it's time to open your eyes. Not all frames are created equal. 

If you believe that there are shaping and tonning exercises it's time to open your eyes. Human body is not made out of plasticine. 

If you believe that doing more than 5 reps per set will make you gain “nonfunctional bodybuilding sarcoplasmic hypertrophy” you are spending too much time reading the functional trainer's advice.