Saturday, February 8, 2014

Women - Before and After the Fitness Revolution

Women have always been affected to a very large degree by society's expectations. Men always get away easier. When was the last time you saw a big fat old bitch marry a young man in phenomenal physical shape? It does not happen very often. On the other hand there are plenty of rich fat bastards who have married fantastic looking women. What's the reason for the double standard? Why does it happen?

Women are still considered inferior to men – even in 2014. The important decisions in the world are taken by rich powerful men. The opinion of women continues to be considered not important. They may give you the illusion that you have a real choice but truth be told the only choice women have is which brainwashing magazine they will buy. All that matters is already decided by men. This has been going for so long that everybody considers it to be the normal course of events.

Nothing in this system supports the feminine side of human beings. There are violent sports everywhere and if you somehow do not play by the book you are being called a pussy. It's bad to be a pussy. This is deep brothers so you really must understand the concept – it's all an illusion and every human being on this planet has a feminine side – even men. It's the side that cares and loves. The system however does not want it to be awake. The system wants it dead – it's shown through action movies, mass media and hierarchy in big corporations.

Men may be stronger physically but they are weaker overall when the feminine side is dumb down to nothing. It's gone so far that women have started looking like men thanks to the fitness revolution. In this day and age unless you are ripped to pieces and with an 8-pack you are considered to be out of shape even if you are a woman. The softer you are the less in shape you are. We want our women to be hard looking – as men. What the fuck is that about?

It's all part of the global conspiracy the owners of the human world have played on us. They want us to be “real men” because “real men” fight, they like wars and they protect their country. They kill bad motherfuckers. Women are compassionate and in general more emotional and caring that men who are often respected and look up to when they behave like ruthless motherfuckers. It's all there – in music, movies, commercials. Men dominate and women are just slaves whose worth is limited at reproduction. Wake up fuckers, this world does not belong to men.

Here's how women looked before the fitness revolution:

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And this is how women look after the fitness revolution. Gotta love CrossFit.

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The muscular bodies above are unachievable for women unless they are injecting male hormones into their bodies. Do you think this is a motherfucking coincidence? Fuck, you Crossfit - commercial bullshit.