Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Domino Effect - More About Predetermination

Predetermination is based on the Domino Effect which represents the connection between everything and everyone. When one domino piece falls, it affects the next one which hits the next one...etc. One thing leads to another and each situation we are in is the middle place where thousands of other end results meet. 

{why are you reading this post?}

maybe because you wanted to know information about fake natural bodybuilders...

{why do you want to know information about fake natural bodybuilder?}

maybe because as a child you were always the weak one and you want to "fix" some inner weakness...

{and why were you a weak child?}

maybe because you were from a poor family and your parents did not have money to buy enough food?

{and why were your parents poor?}

maybe because......

Let's start at the beginning...

When you are born you are though that "the whole world is in front of you". On theory you can accomplish anything at that age, but this is not the case at all. Who you are has been predetermined long before you were born. You character is not something you choose - the same way your height is not something you choose. If that was the case, everybody would have chosen to own the "coolest character". Your character is affected deeply by factors you don't control. You country, family, neighborhood and the historical period you were born in form your character. 

If you are born in a poor African country, the chances of becoming a famous golf player like Tiger Woods, whose father started him training at a very young age, are pretty slim to non-existent. Chances are you won't even know what golf is, if that was the case. Is Tiger Woods any special compared to anybody else? No. He was just in the right place, in the right time and had the opportunity to get to where he is. Did he work for it? Yes, he did, but he did so because he had the chance to. He was in a favorable environment which facilitated his development as an icon in the MATRIX we live in. He is paid millions of dollars each month to represent NIKE and hit a stupid ball. On the other hand there are thousands of people who work also for NIKE and get paid 1 dollar a day. What did they do wrong in this life? You can try to downplay the role of the environment as much as you want - you will fail. 

When people argue with me about predetermination they tend of oversimplify the matter. Their idea is that if everything is predetermined, there's no need to do anything. That's not the case. The true predetermination is an intelligently created and disguised phenomenon. It's hidden very well at the best place to hide something - right before people's eyes. People live their whole lives thinking they have unlimited control over things they don't. This has both good sides and bad sides. The good sides are that you are more likely to accomplish something, if your self-confidence is higher and you think highly of your skills and abilities. The bad sides consist in frustration and self-hatred. Every day the success of other people is pushed in your face. People you are supposed to love, people like Tiger Woods is what's been accepted as success. When you understand that the reason for their success is mostly predetermined you will immediately appreciate yourself much more. When common people understand that factor, they are no longer common.

Unlike what people think predetermination does not require a static behavior. The fact that most of our lives are sort of pre-planned does not mean that you should do nothing and leave everything to "chance". No. My understanding is that this live is a learning process which can be represented as a train everybody has to travel on. Trains have one direction and are "slaves" to the track. The train goes where the track says. If it goes outside of the margin, there's a penalty and a possible train wreck.

Where is the train going? I don't know.But if life has taught us something, it's that the journey is what matters the most and all roads lead to one CHECK OUT.