When you want to lose weight cardio is the first advice, right? However there is one big misunderstanding when it comes to cardio.
Cardio burns much less calories than you would think. The cardio...
I know I have already talked about CT Fletcher but yesterday I saw his more recent videos on YouTube where he trains different lifters. In the above video he states that he achieved his arm size -...
As you probably know I hate supplements. I hate them for one very simple reason - they don't work. They don't work...oh wait did I say they don't work. Creatine does not make an exception - it's pure...
Since today I am on the natural/unnatural topic I decided to answer one of the questions I have received over the last months. Are the Hodge Twins Natural? (Note: The Hodge Twins are brothers who...
I just watched a video of an amazingly strong man - CT Fletcher. I am not going to lie - this guy is much stronger that I would ever be. So, I don't question his strength at all - he is brutally strong....
Steroids are always a hot topic and pretty much everybody on this planet who has been somewhat training for more than a few years has at least thought one time about doing the stuff. Yes, I know you googled...
The following strategy is designed to take you from something like 23-25% BF to 10-11% BF in about 12 weeks or three months.
Note: For females add 5-7% to the above values.
Also small females may...
A long time ago I wrote an article on rookiejournal.com regarding the battle between P90X and Starting Strength. Recently I've been watching a lot of Tony Hortons's video and decided to add a...
Unless you are new to rookiejournal.com you know that I have posted some serious negative comments on Mark Rippetoe and his famous routine Starting Strength. That's why I receive quite often some sexy...
I just watched a video of the infmaous Mehdi, the "creator" of StrongLifts 5x5. According to him strength equals muscle mass. Is it true however?
Yes and No. Retarted answer I know.
How, so?
Everybody likes training upper body...right? I am offering you a routine that will focus mainly on the upperbody and will allow you to build a bro physique. Yes, you will still be training legs. Thanks...