Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why buying fitness books is a waste of money and time

 There is a new fitness book. After about a year the same book has a new version – extended and revised. It all seems great and sexy but as always there is a little story behind the scenes, a little something that makes it all work, a little secret that starts the engine, a little hidden truth that nobody wants you to know because if you know it problems occur and nobody likes problems - we all want to just collect our paychecks, as fast as possible. The Bigger. The Better.

It's true, fitness books contain useful information. You can learn a lot regarding training and you can definitely improve thanks to a fitness or strength book. While all of that is true every training manual out there fails miserably in the long run because it is incomplete, misleading and unnecessary over-complicated just to cause paralysis by analysis.

Sure, you can learn the fine points of squatting and deadlifting from a book and later apply them in your training but in the end of the day you still won't have the results of the glorified athletes those reading materials usually use as front cover. To this day there isn't a single book covering all the aspect of the iron game and there is always something missing and that little something is the base of the house. What is it?

The majority of the income generated by fitness and strength books comes from the newbies. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get that sexy body advertised by fitness models in movies magazines and homo sexual bars. Since we are used to learn everything from books it makes sense to buy one for that too. Despite all the reading, however, fitness books never produce results even close to the advertisements. How so? I thought knowledge was power.

The reason for that failure is of course the fact that fitness books, just like magazines, never discuss the issue of anabolic steroids. On the contrary, their authors want you to believe that training methods have evolved so much that you don't need needles in your ass in order to get as big as the men praised in those overrated materials. Nothing could be further from the truth since anabolic steroids have been the base of all strength sports and bodybuilding since the 1940s. Writers on strength and conditionning such as Mr. Mark Rippetoe, Mr. Pavel Tsatouline and, Mr. Dr. Layne Norton, Mr. Marty Gallagher can all continue to sell their books and come up with new and improved versions, couldn't care less. We want you, however, to know that it's all the same old recycled material that exploits the general low intellect and ignorance of beginners through cheap marketing tricks such as “milk & squats are better than steroids”, “mysterious Soviet muscle building tactics”, “Primitive training”...etc. You have to understand that the goal of those authors is to make money, FIRST. It has never been STRONG FIRST, it has always been MONEY FIRST.

Image via: has no problem with people trying to make money. We all need it and we all work for it. However, remembering how it feels to try and try and try with little or usually no results at all, despite all the reading and secrets methods, is something that is hard to forgive and poor sources of "knowledge" are the ones to blame. Who is going to get me back all that wasted time and effort?

Like already said – fitness books could be useful if they were written in an honest way without the usual propaganda and lies. But this is never going to happen since there are plenty of suckers to cover for the ones that know how it all works. {you don't have to be very smart to know}

How many books can one write on squats, kettlebells, barbells...etc? By the looks of it - as many as the fanatics are willing to buy for Christmas.

Make sure that your fitness book and protein powder are the same color and don't forget to get your certification. {for ignorance}.