of personal data
personal data online can be risky. You know something is wrong when
you can see someone in a swimsuit by just typing his or her name in
the search box of a free to access web-site. If you are in war would
you provide information to your enemies? 10 years ago uploading your
life online for millions to see would have been labeled as a
ludicrous action but big egos and narcissism are hard to beat.
could be a super boring place where individuals are constantly
sharing annoying information nobody is interested in. All the pages
look the same and there is zero creativity options given to the
users. It's like a phonebook. Browsing through the different profiles
who all look the same and contain annoying memes and e-cards can make
a person drift away.
social circle expansion
Facebook is a place where people are supposed to make friends and
meet new contacts this rarely occurs. The majority of humans use
Facebook merely as a chat client to communicate with their friends
and family. Strangers who want to “be friends with you” are
either treated as total creeps and stalkers or are simply ignored and
left to enjoy their online death.
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all of your friends are constantly on their phones pressing the
screen like made maniacs you have a chance to be different and act
like you are above all of this. Some will look up to you while others
will consider you weird and close minded. Whatever it is you will
stand out from the crowd.
you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
hours on Facebook just to list through the photos of your
ex-girlfriend or boyfriend is not very productive in the long term.
Once you delete your Facebook account you may feel like you've lost
your job since a lot of free time will be left. You can use it to
play video games or read IronGangsta.com. No irony intended.
gives a fuck
is the biggest problems of all – nobody gives a fuck what you are
doing on Facebook. Even people who stalk you are doing it just to
help themselves feel better by seeing that you have miserable life
too. That's the truth. Nobody cares what are you favorite movies,
music groups and whatever the fuck is on your mind.
is all about: “Look at me! Me! Me! Me!”. It's meant to be used as
an easy, affordable and fast way to make you feel like you are the
center of attention even though you are not. If you go and delete
your Facebook account today nobody will care. If somebody notices,
consider yourself lucky.
P.S. It's ironic that I am about to post that article on the Facebook page of IronGangsta.com.