Mark Rippetoe a.k.a Rip is the one who made "the novice effect" popular. According to Rippetoe the novice effect consists in insanely fast strength and mass gains observed in beginner lifters. He likes...
I am not very gifted when it comes to building big muscles. That's why I had to try all kinds of training methods just to fail every time. Nothing worked for me - high reps, low reps, light weight, heavy...
I hate T-Nation with a passion. Actually I hate T-Nation more than I hate steroids. A lot more. It's mainly because of the insane amount scams you can see on the site. I can write a book about 200 pages...
Here's a mad fact: lifting weights burns very little calories. A sets of heavy Rippetoe style, ultra epic, religious, no-homo squats burns less calories than mastrubating for 20 minutes does.
Today I found a few photos which will be proudly added to the evidence proving that Layne Norton should change his name to Liar Norton.
We proudly present Layne Norton, ultra-natural bodybuilder and...
This kid is one of the few people out there willing to tell the truth about bodybuilding. While his approach is extreme and I recommend that you spend your lunch money on something else other than muscle...
Yesteday someone asked me: "what do you think about Jeff Seid ??he is not too big and he is only 18 years old..." in the comment section to this post: Natural Liars.
The answer is: Jeff Seid is not...
The deadlift is one of those exercises that have almost mythical status for the following reasons:
- so little people actually do it that it becomes a myth;
- there are so many people killing their...
Recently I registered on the forum of Scooby1976 and tried to troll like there is no tomorrow. Scooby got real mad and decided to ban me forever. He was particularly mad at me for pointing the truth...