A few months ago I wrote the post: Best Detransformations In Bodybuilding. It became a huge hit. Actually, it's the most visited page and there are a lot of links to it from bodybuilding sites all...
Click here for previous chapter.
knew he was fat as hell because of all the milk he drank as recommended by
Coach Phat Toe. There was no point denying the obvious. His rear got
so big that even...
was a young college student who really
liked erotic movies. He was watching similar productions on regular
basis in order to learn new techniques. One day during his educational hour he was hit...
Palumbo, the girlfriend of Bostin Loyd, decided to
reveal some
truth regarding female bodybuilding in this video (click on the link to watch). According to her female
should only
The above quote is from the movie Revolver which presents the constant inner battle we fight with our egos. The main idea behind the film is that serving the ego stops us from being free. According...
Christmas is almost here and the gift shops are overloaded. People
are hungry for presents or at least they try really hard to look like they are. Question is how do you make the right purchase?
Despite the global trend to ban smoking in public places, the intensified campaigns meant to reveal the dangers of this harmful habit and the tendency to prohibit certain types of cigarettes and attractive...
There are a
lot of athletes involved in the sport of “natural” bodybuilding
and fitness who like to claim that the majority of their success and
domination is due to “superior” genetics for
In the book Athlete Howard Schatz has compared the physiques of world class athletes competing in many different sports.
It's obvious that the body shape of each competitor is highly dependant...
supplements have been around since the very beginning of the “sport”.
Initially the idea behind muscle building elixirs was started by Joe
Weider who many people consider the Father Of...