Retro photos are awesome!
The best thing is that people back in the day were alive despite the lack iPhones and other "smart" devices. For that reason presents retro cycling photos....
One of the biggest myths in the fitness world is that you need huge arms in order to look attractive in the eyes of the female population. FALSE! As Dwight Schrute from The Office would tell you....
1.If you go
to the local supermarket and steal a bottle of milk the security will
report you to the authorities but if you steal millions from poor
people every day as a banker or a stock broker it's...
1.Yes, brah. I lift and I am also in love with myself. You miring?
{shows biceps}
2.Yeah, brah. We lift things and we put them down. {lifts a pencil
and puts it down}
3.Yeah, brah. I always use...
Click here for the previous part.
was right in front of the hospital where she once left California
Muscle for repair. After a short moment of hesitation she entered the
building and started climbing...
Serge Nubret (October 6, 1938 – April 19, 2011) was a French professional bodybuilder, bodybuilding federation leader, movie actor and author.
Serge was awarded many bodybuilding titles, including IFBB...