Sunday, February 9, 2014

Commercials Are Offensive To Women

It's a man's world. Men make money and men spend money. It's hard out there for a woman - all she can do is follow the rules and of course give birth to children - preferably masculine. Despite what your history books say men and women have never been equal. Never. Women are seen as weak and irrational creatures who only stop the development of the human race and therefor "should only stay in the kitchen". Sounds familiar to you?

There is a serious imbalance in the human brain. Almost everybody tolerates left-brain thinking or thinking that is rational, somewhat logical, ruthless, egoistical and focused on material things. The right part of the brain which is responsible for the emotional and caring side of an individual is not tolerated. Authorities want to take it away from you in order to produce what they call a "master race" which knows no compassion and only cares about moving forward while leaving the weak behind. That's what religions like satanism are all about - ruthless social behaviour for the greater good of a few. Kill the "weak" and reign supreme. 

Unfortunately the media do not make it any easier. In many commercials women are presented as slaves while men are always the masters. It's sad to see but it's been implemented deep into the human mind for the purpose I've described in the previous paragraph. They want to kill the woman in you - they want to take it away. They want men to be cruel cold blooded soldiers and women to be simply - bitches. The problem has been going on for so long that even women are used to it and kinda like it. Every woman wants a rich husband, right? Have you ever wondered why females NEVER occupy important positions? Yes, sometimes they are able to become a CEO or something but who cares anyway when men make all the important decisions. It's not a coincidence because women are just more compassionate and would have harder time doing evil stuff like sponsoring wars, torturing, exploitation...etc.

Of course this does not mean that every woman out there is good. They can be evil too. No doubt about it. Don't make me give examples of evil female personalities. Find them in your free time, please. The idea in general is that the pure and GOOD feminine side is suppressed. The commercials such as the ones below where women are treated like inferior human beings are just part of the proofs around us that this world is dominated by people thinking only with the left part of their brains.

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